+-------------------------------+ | Nifflas Support Forum | | http://nifflas.lpchip.nl | | Knytt Stories Custom Content | | Backup Archive | | Managed by Comhon | | comhon.stepan@gmail.com | +-------------------------------+ In the forums there is a lot of custom content, that is just lost. When I browsed the KS custom level content, I found out, there are many topics, in whithc the image links are dead, because the original files were deleted from the image sharing archives... I know it is possible to ask the author to reupload it, but not in all cases. This must be stopped. I decided to create an archive with all the graphics, that are still present. I know there was something like Gaeels' site (but that time I was not here on forums) and currently that site is down... My plan is to enable a fulltext search within the tilesets using keywords (tags) in a most easiest way. (There are many topics looking for a tileset with specific theme). I know there are many ways how to do it, but I think the simpliest way will be best, to iclude keywords in the filename. This should be easily transferable. The archive is not so big (currently about 30MB), so it is possible to download it whole and search within it just using file explorer. I hope this attempt isn't against any rules. If so, please notify me. --------- CHANGELOG --------- 2015-09-02 by Comhon -------------------- Sorted the tilesets and gradients in folders by the authors Downloaded and imported the archive from old forums by Feline Monstrosity For now I abadoned tagging objects in the tilesets * only names like TilesetXXX were renamed to actual tileset name (if found in the image file) * the tileset name ussually defines what is on the tileset and that is enough for now * some grapics, that could not be identified are located in _unknown author In _more folder, there is some useful content by whole comunity If there are any graphics, that should not be used, please notify me to remove them. 2015-09-01 by Comhon -------------------- Started creating archive Downloaded some tilesets posted on Nifflas' Support Forum Some of them were renamed to following structure: _[]__() Examples: * tile_[Elemak Town]_BlackM.1_(town,wall,battlement,sign,tree,furniture,town,roof,fence) * co_[Acid]_PeppyHare4000_(green,water) * grad_[omgitsdapredatoreffect]_Salmoneous_(blue,red) * scr_[Tropical Trio]_AdeleneDawner This should provide fulltext search (but tileset tagging is very time consuming) Each custom objects has its txt file with settings (or one for more objects)